Information for Buyers
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Pre-Sale FAQs
In a share block scheme an individual owns a block of shares in the company. Owning this block of shares entitles the shareholder to permanent and exclusive use of their unit, and a proportionate share of the common property.
There are 85 units in Olifants River Game Reserve.
Each unit is allocated a block of 6 shares and up to 3 people may purchase shares in a unit i.e. 2 shares each. Olifants has a total of 510 shares issued.
Your shares entitle you to exclusive use of your unit, and use of all communal facilities and traversing rights on Olifants River and according to the Reciprocal Traversing Agreement on Olifants North Game Reserve.
Only shareholders or their registered users may use the unit. Unaccompanied guests may not use the unit and no commercial activity is permitted under any circumstances.
There are 4 categories of cost to consider. Monthly Levies, Service Fees, Unit Insurance and Maintenance. The Monthly Levies and Service Fees Schedule can be viewed here. Unit Insurance is payable annually and based upon the size of the unit and the value of improvements. Maintenance is handled by third party contractors, facilitated by reserve management on behalf of members.
ORGR is funded primarily by fixed levy income charged on both a unit and user basis. Funds are also generated by Members Services, building and renovation levies, and entrance fees on sales.
ORGR is run by a full time management team lead by the GM and Warden. The GM & Warden reports in to the Board of Directors who are elected at the Annual General Meeting.
There are numerous rules and regulations the vast majority of which are common sense and intended to ensure that all members are respectful of their environment, the game and their fellow visitors.
Balule Nature Reserve is a federal association of reserves within our vicinity. ORGR is a member of Balule. Balule is the management authority for the region and responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Greater Kruger National Park, and for representing our interests as a member of the Association of Private Nature Reserves